Friday, April 1, 2011

The Perfect Marriage

Last night the Mr. and I had our first Pre-Cana marriage course. With two months to go until the big day there is so much to think about, discuss and plan, most of which has nothing to do with the actual wedding itself. Sitting in a group with four other engaged couples we talked about everything I had predicted. How are faith and values going to play a role in our marriage, are we on the same page in regards to raising children? Do we trust each other one hundred percent, not just in regards to fidelity, but financially speaking?

When it comes down to where we can afford to live and how we might run our family household some day, the Mr. and I agree on everything. Where we differ is on how to decorate the home. Obviously I am not making light of marriage prep, but as an Interior Designer, who might be a little OCD, I have been focusing on our  decor more than anything else. 

 How do you tell your best friend and soul mate I love you, but I hate your hideous painting? Or yes I can compromise, just not when it comes to having a beer sign in our living room. It's a tough battle but one I am willing to fight for even if it means I will be cooking tacos and macaroni and cheese every night for the rest of my life. 

I recently convinced the Mr. that his big green leather chair and matching ottoman simply cannot go in our future living room. We are moving into a two bedroom apartment so there will not be a man cave to house/hide the chair. The chair will not go with us to the new place and in turn I have promised that some day when we do have a house, the basement is all his. A small price to pay for a pretty living room if you ask me.

Seriously can you see why I dubbed the ottoman the Michelin man?!

My chair on the other hand... so worth selling half my wardrobe on eBay to pay for it. 

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