Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dive In

Yesterday when I left the office my car said it was 102 degrees outside, inside the car it felt like 120. Washington is known for it's hot and humid summers but it's never been this bad in early June. Usually after being cooped up inside all day the pups are eager to get out, when I got home yesterday I opened the door to take them all out and they just plopped down on the kitchen floor. Who can blame them? If I had a permanent fur coat I wouldn't want to go out in this heat either... unless of course my Mama built me a swimming pool! One day my pups will have a pool, financially speaking that day is a long way away (obviously we will need to get a house first) but the landscape design part of the plan is ready.

Lance Armstrong's backyard, poor guy... 
Phoebe Howard 
Restoration Hardware CEO Garry Friedman's San Fran pad
Brooke Giannetti
Land Plus 
Land Plus 

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