Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tapestry Love

A lot of my readers and followers are clients so they know how fabulous and amazing my Mama is, but for those of you who don't know my Mom, she rocks. On my parents latest trip to New England, she bought the most gorgeous tapestry thinking it would be a good Christmas present, and in true Carolyn fashion she couldn't wait until Christmas. She knew it would look perfect in Henry's room (dog room pictures coming soon!) and she was right, as Mom's usually are... It completes the room! 

PS: I love it! Thank you Mom!

PPS: The Mr. said it looks like something I got at Good Will and implied that only old ladies have tapestries. I know doilies and plastic covered sofa's scream old lady, but I don't think a tapestry is an indication of the owners age. Now he has me all paranoid, once the drapes are finished I will post pictures to prove how un old lady like the room is!

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