Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Favs

In honor of Veterans Day I am going to stray from my usual design related posts and share one of my favorite organizations with you all. America's Vet Dogs is a not-for-profit organization founded by the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, which serves the needs of disabled veterans and active duty personnel. The Guide Dog Foundation has always been near and dear to my heart ever since my Dad volunteered to be a "Puppy Raiser". My initial reaction was negative, I thought how can you raise a puppy and then just let him or her go after one year? I was attached to Henry after 1 minute! It wasn't until I read more about the organization and attended monthly training sessions that I realized this organization and these pups were going to change lives. 

Happy Veterans Day to all the men and women in the armed forces! 

ps: If you donate $6,000 you get to name a puppy! I already have all the names picked out I would chose in case I win the lottery this weekend ;-)

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