Friday, June 14, 2013


 So Wednesday was my birthday and not just any birthday, but the big 3-0. I've officially left my 20's but as all the magazines keep telling me 30/40 is the new 20, so I am not too worked up about it. One of the BIGGEST differences the Mr. and I expect this year aside from getting older is a new addition to our family!! We are expecting our first on December 1st and I am on pins and needles waiting to find out whether it is a boy or a girl! I am sooo not the type of lady to wait to find out the gender, or who keeps our baby names and nursery decor secret, so be prepared for some over sharing in the weeks and months to come. So there you have it, now you know the reason my blog posts have been so few and far between. I was prepared for morning sickness (which I luckily did not have aside from a few weeks of nausea) but I was not ready for how tiring pregnancy would be. A mid day nap was unheard of for me pre Baby B and for the past three months if I wasn't working, I was sleeping. I am happy to say I have my energy back in time for summer and although the Mr. and I have no earthly idea what we are doing and what to expect we are beyond excited. Happy Friday!

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