Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weekend Eye Candy

I had a productive day at the Studio organizing sample books and unpacking new inventory. While setting things up for our Christmas show I was struggling to think of fun costumes for the Mr. and I to wear to our friends Halloween party tonight, when I looked outside and noticed it was snowing! I got totally sidetracked with the snow and the adorable 12 days of Christmas napkins that I still don't know what we are going to be this evening. Clearly I need to focus on one Holiday at a time... How is it that I am so excited for Christmas this year, and we haven't even gotten through Halloween?! Probably because it's my first Christmas as a Boland ;-)


I know today's Weekend Eye Candy probably should have been pictures of spooky Halloween decorations but you have to admit a street blanketed in snow is ten times prettier; and no, I am not completely insane, I plan on waiting until the day after Thanksgiving to start listening to Christmas music. 

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