Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crisp Clean White

 The other week I went wedding dress shopping with my best friend. Finding the perfect dress for her perfect day was a piece of cake, the dress ended up being the very first one she tried on. As we brainstormed bridesmaid dress color options I realized my favorite color isn't technically a color, it's white. I flipping love white. Not that I needed to go to a Bridal Salon to be reminded of how much I love white, I mean have you seen my apartment? I don't think I've seen (with a few exceptions) an all white room, outfit, or exterior I didn't fall in love with. We don't find out whether Baby Boland is a boy or a girl for a few more weeks so the nursery decor process is still on hold, but I have a feeling a lot of it will involve, surprise surprise, white.

Here you go Matt, Laura's dress may or may not be on this rack ;-)

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